3. Release Notes

This page provide a record of changes recorded by each version of tRIBS, starting with Version 5.2.0.

3.1. Known Issues

For a list of known issues and their status, visit the tRIBS GitHub Issues page.

3.2. Version History

3.2.1. tRIBS 5.2.0 (March 2024)

The tRIBS Distributed Hydrologic Modeling System, Version 5.2.0, represents a culmination of efforts and significant improvements from the initial release [1] and later versions [2], [3]. This latest version includes new physical processes related to level-pool reservoir routing [4] and channel transmission losses [5]. In addition, the latest updates (Version 5.0 and onward) entail a CMake build system , major code improvements, including a refactored snow module, fixed memory leaks in parallel mode, and updates to C++ 17 standards.